Hello kayakers, I start with my first publication for GALAXY KAYAK in 2020, and this time I share with you some images of some of the best moments I've had in a long time, also the happiest ones, and that was shared with my sons Sandra and Antolin. There is no better hobby than shared with your family. You can't imagine the happiness of my kids when they saw me arrive on Friday with this mini kayak! Then they began to explore it, ask me things about it, and of course repeat myself 1000 times.

When will we try it? Today Sunday came that desired moment, and although it was windy this did not deprive us of happy and incredible moments we had while they tried it. GALAXY KAYAKS, has always preached with the example of enjoying every moment with friends and family and it is thanks to them and their work that it is so easy to spend happy moments and that "Life is an adventure".